Project Slapper

Project Slapper is a unique cross-combination of the recently resurging “boomer shooter” genre of FPS and the timeless microgame-focused mayhem of WarioWare.

Slapper was a solo-dev project completed during FIEA’s Ventures class in Fall of 2022.

Microgame Categories:

  • Combat (Kill all enemies)

  • Aiming (Destroy all targets)

  • Race/Obstacle (Reach the End)

  • Collection (Pick-up all targeted objects)

  • Survival (Stay alive for the duration of the microgame)

Current Status & Future Plans

  • Most of the microgames right now focus on one specific category, leading to simpler microgames

    • Not necessarily a bad thing!

    • Good to learn what “feels right” in the game

    • Simple microgames make good “filler” between eventual, more complex ones

  • The eventual combination of mechanics to create more complex microgames will provide extra challenge and exciting gameplay opportunities.