Lunar Lander: An Apollo 11 Experience

A 2-week solo Unity project with 5 total team members, made for FIEA’s Rapid Prototype Production class with the constraint of making an educational game.

My role: Technical, UI/UX, and Experience Designer:

  • Responsible for guiding development for what we want the player to feel

    • We wanted a balance of historical accuracy and reverence. Some of the audio clips are played at times that wouldn’t have exactly lined up with the real events of the mission, but we needed to “gamify” history.

    • Pitch originally started as a historical escape room, which we pivoted to more of an interactive museum exhibit

  • Prototyped key game features, such as storing items, inspectable elements, and combinable objects

  • Edited and Integrated all audio components using Unity’s default Audio systems

  • Created and implemented UI elements, screens, and menus

Full Playthrough