The Dead Sea Scrolls Adventure

Play as Dr. Jerusalem Jones, an explorer set on finding out the history behind the 7 major Dead Sea Scrolls. Along the way, the player gets to meet a whole cast of characters and traverse across the deserts and caves near the Dead Sea and Bethlehem to learn about the history behind these relics.

The Dead Sea Scrolls Adventure aims to greatly enhance the learning objectives of the course, JST 3144: Dead Sea Scrolls, in an enjoyable manner for the students playing it at University of Central Florida. Players play as Dr. Jerusalem Jones, an explorer set on finding out the history behind the 7 major Dead Sea Scrolls. Along the way, the player gets to meet a whole cast of characters and traverse across the deserts and caves near the Dead Sea as well as the streets of Bethlehem to learn about the history behind these relics. Players will be quizzed along the way to test their knowledge!

The Dead Sea Scrolls Adventure was developed by Cave3 Studios, a group of students at the Florida Interactive Entertainment Academy, over the course of three months.

Role Overview: Technical UI/UX Designer

  • Worked with subject matter expert to create a historically accurate game to be used as a course supplementary tool within UCF's Judaic Studies curriculum

  • Designed and implemented menu systems, scene transitions, and player UI while adjusting said systems in response to student testing and player feedback